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NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPLORER | storyteller. researcher. activist.

Ashli Akins
Jun 18, 20213 min read
Ode to the Comma-Careerist
Today is the final day of the National Geographic Explorers Fest (the first festival to be held virtually). As I reflected on why I felt...

Ashli Akins
May 9, 20212 min read
The role of the Andean mother
I have conducted over 100 interviews in the past couple of years with Andean mothers. One of the most heartbreaking parts of each...

Ashli Akins
Nov 15, 20203 min read
Breaking News. Vacancy: President of Peru.
“Get out, rats.” “Merino isn’t my President.” “I’d rather die of COVID than an overdose of indifference.” These are just a few of the...

Ashli Akins
Jul 17, 20207 min read
Selfishness is the deadliest illness. Compassion is the cure.
The dangers of traveling to remote Quechua communities in the time of COVID-19. It has taken me awhile to write this story, because I...

Ashli Akins
May 14, 20203 min read
What is "essential" and "essential to whom"?
NOTE: This was initially written as a letter to the Victoria City Council, in favour of the motion “Supporting the Recovery of the Arts &...

Ashli Akins
Mar 31, 20202 min read
To unfragment myself, by saying no to flying
Well, today marked the end of “my year.” I had made a promise to myself a year ago that, no matter the reason, I wouldn’t leave Peru for...

Ashli Akins
Mar 23, 20203 min read
Don't worry. I'm not dying.
Holy moly. I've received a few urgent panicked messages from friends and family telling me to "come home immediately," thinking I am...

Ashli Akins
Feb 3, 20202 min read
So, the halftime show, eh?
No, I’m not going to talk about hips and lip-syncing and pole-dancing, or the quality of their performances. Or football. I’ll let the...

Ashli Akins
Jan 3, 20202 min read
Reflections on 2020 (or "Conversations on Rust")
New. New year. New decade. New you. “Starting over” seems to be everyone’s dangerously quick fix nowadays. And yet, the beauty that I...

Ashli Akins
Dec 23, 20192 min read
A reflection on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
My Instagram post from November 25, 2019, which is relevant to share here. Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence...

Ashli Akins
Dec 10, 20192 min read
Valentina weaves so that her kids "don't end up like her"
The three of us sat on the sloped grass, beside the propagation garden – Valentina, Mishjaky, and I. I asked her the usual questions -...
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